Following pages guide the visitor to various fellowship (JRF, SRF, PDF or research associate) offered by various Centres, units or autonomous bodies in DOS.
Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) invites applications for Junior Research Fellowships (JRFs) from highly motivated and dynamic candidates to pursue research in the science domains of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Geosciences and Theoretical Physics. JRFs at PRL will be encouraged to register for a Ph.D. degree at an Institute/University with which PRL has an MoU. PRL also offers Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) in research areas of the Laboratory is offered for a maximum period of two years. The extension to 2nd year is subject to the satisfactory annual progress review. Candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis or those who are about to submit their Ph.D. thesis can apply.
Space Physics Laboratory (SPL) has a broad spectrum of opportunities for doing front ranking research in the areas of Atmospheric, Space and Planetary Sciences. These opportunities are offered as following fellowships. For the latest advertisement for JRF position, click here. The Research Associate Positions are always OPEN at SPL and the candidates can apply any time of the year. In addition to the above, SPL hosts INSPIRE faculty and NPDF candidates to carry out their research activities. SPL has a visiting scientist (VS) program, which either operates through ADCOS VS program, or directly by SPL. Any enquiry for these positions can be directed to the Director SPL.
Indian Institute of Space Technology (IIST) invites applications from highly motivated candidates for Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme in various frontier research areas of Aerospace Engineering, Avionics, Chemistry and Physics.
National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) offers Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF)/Research Associate (RA). Follow this link for details: NARL Work with NARL >> Vacancies
URSC offers fellowships that will be announced here.
Space Applications Centre (SAC) invites applications for Research Fellowships, Research Associateships and Research Scientists for specific projects or Education/Research Schemes. The recipients of these Fellowships/ Associateships /Scientists are expected to conduct research work whole time under the Principal Investigator of the SAC/ISRO sponsored project. In special cases of individual Research Fellows/Associates, the candidates could be governed by the conditions of Research work as specified by the projects/ programmes/ schemes for which the Fellowships have been offered by ISRO. The detailed information about various fellowship/Associateships are provided at SAC Vyom website click here. In addition to the above, SAC also hosts INSPIRE/CSIR JRF, DST Women Scientist, UGC NET JRF candidates from various universities/institutes to carry out their research activities at SAC.
SAC also collaborate with various universities/institutes for doing research under different umbrella like SAMUDRA, NISAR, AVIRIS, SRISTHI, NavIC with respect to specific projects. Under this fund is also provided by SAC to carry out research work and recruiting JRF/SRF.
For the latest advertisement for Research Fellowships, Research Associateships and Research Scientists position,click here