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Remote sensing data is used for varieties of applications in forestry and environment including Biodiversity characterization, Wetlands, Forest & Biomass mapping, Land Degradation and Desertification processes, Coastal wetlands, Coral reefs, Mangroves, Glaciers, Air and Water pollution assessment etc. The multi resolution satellite data (eg. IRS AWiFS, INSAT and others) are used for historical change assessment, biomass estimation, automated annual forest changes etc. Forest fires are routinely monitored using multi temporal data and near real time satellite data and are provided to Forest Survey of India (FSI), MoEF&CC and other state forest departments for field interventions.
FSI is one of the earliest institutions to have adopted the use of remote sensing techniques for national forest mapping. It brings out biennial forest cover mapping of the country, using remote sensing data which helps the country in close monitoring of the status of forests in the country.
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