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When INSAT-1B was launched on 30 August 1983, it almost suffered the same fate as the INSAT-1A. It was not until mid-September that Ford and Indian controllers succeeded in deploying its solar array. By then it had been stationed at 74°E in place of INSAT-1A. Full operational capability was achieved in October 1983. It continued to operate into 1990 with all its 4375 two-way voice or equivalent circuits in use. Around 36,000 earth images were returned. Shuttle [PAM-D]
उपग्रह का प्रकार / Type of Satellite : Communication निर्माता / Manufacturer : ISRO स्वामी / Owner : ISRO अनुप्रयोग / Application : Communication कक्षा का प्रकार / Orbit Type : GSO (Geosynchronous Orbit)