Procedure followed in the decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability Home
Broadly, three types of decisions are taken in the organization viz., Technical, Administrative and Financial.
Technical Decision Making Process:
Technical decisions based on programmatic considerations are taken through a process of rigorous review. The technical decisions generally are related to the choice of technology, design optimization, configuration of the spacecraft and launch vehicles, component selection, test setups & testing methodology, system/subsystem specifications, interface mechanisms, mission parameters, etc., The activities carried out at Department of Space are largely project oriented. Project level decisions are taken through three principle mechanisms viz., Project Executive Decisions, Project Management Decisions and Project Reviews.
A Project Director is designated for each Plan project who is the Chief Executive of the Project. He is assisted by a team of Deputy Project Directors who are responsible for delivering various subsystems required for the project and a Project Management Office. Technical decisions on day-to-day basis are taken by the Deputy Project Directors, with the approval of Project Director where required, after due reviews and consultations. The Project Management Office supports the decision making process with the required data and analysis support.
All the Plan projects/schemes undertaken in the area of satellites, Launch Vehicles and Space Applications have a two-tier project management structure viz., Project/Programme Management Council (PMC) and Project Management Boards (PMB) to closely monitor and review the progress comprehensively covering the technical, managerial, cost and schedule aspects. All the techno-managerial decisions at the system level are taken by the PMB and PMC.
Systematic reviews are organized at designated progress milestones for each project at various stages of the project lifecycle such as Preliminary Design Review, Detailed Design Review, Critical Design Review and Pre-Shipment Review to assess the technical progress of the project, resolve interface issues and ensure compliance to the project objectives. External experts from other institutions/organisations are also invited to participate in the review meetings. All these reviews follow extensive documentation and systematic monitoring & follow-up of the action items to ensure timely completion of the project.. All important technical decisions on system level performance and adherence to mission objectives and specifications are arrived at during these review meetings
Administrative Decisions:
Administrative decisions pertain to recruitment and review, personnel services, career opportunities, human resource development, disciplinary and legal matters, official language implementation, public relations, Estate Management, administration of Health scheme, Security matters, Annual Performance Appraisal Reviews, welfare, RTI etc. Most of the decision making has been decentralized and are taken at various Centres/Units as per the delegation of powers. As a part of decision making process, a three tier system viz., Dealing Assistants, Officer and Head of the Office/Department has been implemented to place on record the relevant facts and data, Rule provisions/position and systematic analysis of the issues in order to facilitate a rational decision making process. Appropriate grievance redressal mechanisms have been set up to provide an opportunity to all those affected by any decision to putforth their view point for consideration.
Financial Decisions:
Financial decisions relate to Annual Budgets & budgetary control, Re-appropriations, Accounting practices/methods as per GOI instructions, Financial Sanctions for projects / schemes, Procurement of stores and equipments, Award of contracts for constructions, Advance/milestone payments, Terms/mode of payment, etc., All Financial decisions are taken by the designated executives within the powers delegated to them. Every Centre/Unit has a designated Internal Financial Advisor and all the financial decisions in the Centres/Units are routed through Internal Financial Advisor to ensure due diligence in financial decision making. Department has brought out a Purchase Manual and Store Procedure detailing the procedures to be followed in procurement decision making by all the Centres/Units. Department has put in place a rigorous pre-audit system and senior level contract finalization committees/purchase committees to ensure objective and rational decision making in procurement contracts including construction contracts. Besides this, a centralized internal audit wing has been set up in the Department for conducting systematic audit (post-audit) of functioning and decision making systems in various centres/units for identifying corrective actions as required.
Time Limit for Decision Making Process:
The time limit for decision making process on Technical Matters depends upon the complexity of Technical Matter. Hence, it is not feasible to fix the uniform time limit for the same. For administrative matters, time limits are applicable as per Guidelines/Instructions issued by Govt. of India from time to time