STUDSAT Home/Schemes/ Student Satellite/STUDSAT
Student Satellite (STUDSAT) is the first pico-satellite developed in the country by a consortium of seven engineering colleges from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. STUDSAT weighing less than 1 kg, has the primary objective of promoting space technology in educational institutions and encourage research and development in miniaturized satellites, establishing a communication link between the satellite and ground station, capturing the image of earth with a resolution of 90 meters and transmitting the payload and telemetry data to the earth station.
• प्रमोचन भार / Launch Mass: Less than 1 kg • प्रमोचक राकेट / Launch Vehicle: PSLV-C15/CARTOSAT-2B • उपग्रह का प्रकार / Type of Satellite: Student • निर्माता / Manufacturer: ISRO • स्वामी / Owner: ISRO • अनुप्रयोग / Application: Student Satellite • कक्षा का प्रकार / Orbit Type: SSPO (Sun Synchronous Polar Orbit)