Vikram Sarabhai Centenary Programme (VSCP)Home/Activities/Outreach/Vikram Sarabhai Centenary Programme (VSCP)
Vikram Sarabhai centenary programme kick started at Ahmedabad on 12th August 2019. The officials from DOS, DAE, Sarabhai family members and associates of Dr. Sarabhai attended the programme. More than 2500 participants attended the function. Hon’ble Prime Minister of India address the community through video message. Chairman, ISRO inaugurated the first Space on wheels allocated to SAC and Shri PP Kale inaugurated the exhibition
ISRO Hq centrally procured the models, exhibition panels, publicity material and distributed to 20 ISRO centres and units for enabling them to participate in the nationwide programme.
Later yearlong activities are conducted across the country by all ISRO centres and units, which includes memorial lectures, interactions with ISRO scientists, competitions, exhibitions, selfie corners etc. The events were conducted at more than 106 locations within 7 months, before the nationwide lockdown due to pandemic. There was an overwhelming response and Lacks of people and students witnessed the exhibitions.
Six numbers of mobile exhibition “Space-on-wheels”, an innovative concept wherein customized curated buses were realized by CBPO, ISRO Hq and deployed at ISRO centres in six regions viz. VSSC, Trivandrum, URSC, Bengaluru, SDSC SHAR, Srihariktota, NRSC, Hyderabad, SAC, Ahmedabad and NESAC, Shillong. The units were taken to various rural locations across the country, achieved the objective of creating awareness on space technology in even the remotest corners. The local schools and colleges were alerted though local state administration and thousands of students watched the units. Audio visuals developed on various ISRO missions & applications and presented to the visitors during these events. The publicity materials were distributed.
An album with rarest collection of photos from Dr. Sarabhai’s life, a special edition of Amar chitra katha on Dr. Sarabhai and a souvenir on the yearlong programme are brought out as reminiscence for the future generations.