March 26, 2024
The National Information system for Climate and Environment Studies (NICES) is a program conceptualized in 2012 to meet the ongoing challenge of monitoring climate variability and climate change from space. It generates climate and environmental data archives, especially from Indian EO missions, with provision for access and visualization by various ministries, academia, and research institutions in the country ( It is operated by ISRO/DOS along with other ministries and institutions under the framework of the National Action Plan on Climate Change.
An objective of the NICES program is the generation and dissemination of long-term Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), derived from Indian and other Earth Observation (EO) satellites, which are crucial for characterizing Earth’s climate. Since its inception in 2012, NICES has developed and made accessible over 70 geophysical variables related to Terrestrial, Ocean, and Atmospheric conditions. The existing set of NICES geophysical products that meet quality requirements has been utilized for documenting climate change and its impacts.
The NICES program now aims to enhance the participation of academia and research institutions in addressing climate change-related challenges through dedicated multidisciplinary scientific investigations. Project proposals are invited from individuals or groups of scientists, academicians, and researchers affiliated with various Indian government organizations, government-recognized institutions, universities, and departments in India. Projects are expected to be completed within 3 years from the date of sanction.
Potential areas for project submission include Space-based ECVs and Climate Indicators, Climate Change Challenges, Weather Extremes, Climate Services, etc. Details such as the description of the NICES program, invitation for project proposals, potential areas for project submission, guidelines for proposal preparation, and schedule are included in the Announcement of Opportunities.
Proposals may be submitted by May 15, 2024.
The NICES web portal contains information on various geophysical datasets and available instrument facilities ( that may be leveraged in these proposals.
Announcement inviting project proposals from Indian researchers is here PDF - 1.23 MB