AzaadiSAT Home / Activities / Missions accomplished
Aug 07, 2022
AzaadiSAT is a 8U Cubesat weighing around 8 kg. It carries 75 different payloads each weighing around 50 grams and conducting femto-experiments. Girl students from rural regions across the country were provided guidance to build these payloads. The payloads are integrated by the student team of “Space Kidz India”. The payloads include a UHF-VHF Transponder working in ham radio frequency to enable voice and data transmission for amateur radio operators, a solid state PIN diode-based Radiation counter to measure the ionising radiation in its orbit, a long-range transponder and a selfie camera. The ground system developed by ‘Space Kidz India’ will be utilised for receiving the data from this satellite.
प्रमोचक राकेट / Launch Vehicle: SSLV-D1/EOS-02 Mission उपग्रह का प्रकार / Type of Satellite: Student अनुप्रयोग / Application: Student Satellite
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