Consolidated table with links to URL containing information proactively disclosed under Section 4(1)(b) of RTI Act, 2005 Home / RTI
1. Organisation and Function
Particulars of its organisation, functions and duties
[Section 4(1)(b)(i)]
Power and duties of its officers and employees
[Section 4(1) (b)(ii)]
Procedure followed in decision making process
[Section 4(1)(b)(iii)]
Norms for discharge of functions
[Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]
[11. Public Grievances]
Rules, regulations, instructions manual and records for discharging functions
[Section 4(1)(b)(v)]
Suo motu disclosure under Section 4 (1) (b) (v)
Categories of documents held by the authority under its control
[Section 4(1)(b) (vi)]
(ii) Custodian of documents/categories
Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority
[Section 4(1)(b)(viii)]
The meetings of these bodies are not open to public but only to the members of the boards/ council/ committees.
The Minutes of these are also not accessible to public.
Not Applicable
Directory of officers and employees
[Section 4(1) (b) (ix)]
Monthly Remuneration received by officers & employees including system of compensation
[Section 4(1) (b) (x)]
The employees are eligible for pay in other allowances like HRA, DA, TA etc. at the rates prescribed on implementation of 7th CPC.
Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers
[Section 4(1) (b) (xvi)]
No. of employees against whom Disciplinary action has been proposed/ taken
(Section 4(2))
No. of employees against whom disciplinary action has been
vigilance (Page No. 158)
Programmes to advance understanding of RTI
(Section 26)
Conducting Annual training programme for FAAs, CPIO, APIOs, Staffs in the Office of FAAs& CPIOs. Recent Training programme conducted on 19 & 20 December, 2019 at VSSC, Trivandrum, on 15 & 16 November 2021 at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota and on 29 & 30 December 2022 at URSC Bengaluru.
Participation in Training Programme is compulsory.
Conducting Annual training programme in Department of Space/ISRO
Transfer policy and transfer orders
[F No. 1/6/2011- IR dt. 15.4.2013]
2. Budget and Programme
Budget allocated to each agency including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made etc.
[Section 4(1)(b)(xi)]
Budget (Page No. 138)
Foreign and domestic tours
(F.No. 1/8/2012- IR dt. 11.9.2012)
Manner of execution of subsidy programme
[Section 4(i)(b)(xii)]
Discretionary and non-discretionary grants [F. No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013]
Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority
[Section 4(1) (b) (xiii)]
The Department of Space does not give any concession or issue any permit/authorization.
`CAG & PAC paras [F No. 1/6/2011- IR dt. 15.4.2013]
CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATRs) after these have been laid on the table of both houses of the parliament.
3. Publicity Band Public interface
Arrangement for consultations with or representation by the members of the public
Public- private partnerships (PPP)
Not applicable
Are the details of policies / decisions, which affect public, informed to them
[Section 4(1) (c)]
Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public to make the process more interactive;
Dissemination of information widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the public
[Section 4(3)]
Use of the most effective means of communication
ISRO Website
Form of accessibility of information manual/ handbook
[Section 4(1)(b)]
Information manual/handbook available in
Whether information manual/ handbook available free of cost or not
List of materials available
The above documents are available in electronic form only and no copies are available for sale.
4. E.Governance
Language in which Information Manual/Handbook Available
[F No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.4.2013]
1.Annual Report(English)/(Hindi)
2.Purchase Manual (English)/ (Hindi)
3. DOS Book of Financial Powers (English)/ (Hindi)
4. DOS Employees (CCA) Rules (English)/ (Hindi)
Documents are available in English & Hindi, not in vernacular language.
When was the information Manual/Handbook last updated?
[F No. 1/6/2011-IR dt 15.4.2013]
Last date of Annual updation
Information available in electronic form
[Section 4(1)(b)(xiv)]
[Section 4(1)(b)(xv)]
[11. Public Grievances ]
Annual Reports English 2022-2023 2.6 Gaganyaan (HSFC) (Page no.72)
Receipt & Disposal of RTI applications & appeals [F.No 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013]
Replies to questions asked in the parliament
[Section 4(1)(d)(2)]
Details of questions asked and replies given
Parliament Questions
5. Information as may be prescribed
Such other information as may be prescribed [F.No. 1/2/2016-IR dt. 17.8.2016, F No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.4.2013]
List of PIOs and APIOs of DOS and ISRO Centres
15th to 25th September 2023
Shri M Ramadas,Officer on Special Duty
Shri K Suresh Sr. Head, P&GA
Initially constituted on 17/10/2005
Recently re-constituted on 03/03/2021
Transparency Officer, RTI, DOS- Chairman &3 members
6. Information Disclosed on own Initiative
Item / information disclosed so that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to obtain information
Yes, obtained.
Validity: 16/05/2026
Yes. Right side bottom.