Technology Transfer Home /CapacityBuilding /Industry Interface
The Indian space programme has grown from its modest beginning of experimental satellites and launch vehicles to a full-fledged operational programme fully capable of building satellites and launch vehicles for various requirements. Having invested significant resources, the Indian space programme is required to maximize the transfer of technologies generated in various areas to Indian industries, thereby contributing towards technological self-reliance, industrial growth and national development. Recognising the potential for space programme to generate multiplier effect in terms of returns to industry and economy at large, from long term investments made, it was realised that “spin off” or fall out returns and their multiplier effect could be many times the direct returns from investment in mission-oriented high technology programmes such as space technology.
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Unless these programmes disseminate the fruits of their enterprise to various sectors of the economy and generate mechanisms for effective transfer, the returns to the nation as a whole would remain limited and a synergistic impact would not occur. The primary objective in the transfer and dissemination of Government generated technology to industry and other sectors is the speedy growth of the industries and the consequential momentum to sustained national development. Dissemination of best manufacturing and quality practices adopted by DOS to Indian industries and participation in technological and industrial development in high-technology areas are some of the direct benefits of DOS technology transfer program. The direct revenue returns to DOS/ISRO from the process of technology transfer are relatively minor and of secondary importance.
NSIL has been mandated for commercialising the technologies developed by DOS/ ISRO. For more details visit